
Can You Keep Guppies and Bettas in One Fish Tank?

Betta fish and guppies are both popular and beautiful freshwater fish that can live together in the same tank. However, before housing bettas and guppies together, there are important factors to consider. In this blog post, we will discuss five tips for safely keeping bettas and guppies together.

Housing bettas and guppies together can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. However, before making the decision to combine these two species, it is crucial to consider various factors. A little bit of preparation can improve the chances of success and ensure a long and healthy life for your fish.

betta fish and guppy fish

How many Bettas to Keep with My Guppies?

Putting more than one betta fish in a tank often causes trouble, especially fights between bettas.

While the flashy males catch the eye, it’s a good idea to consider the less flashy females. Keeping a female betta with guppies can be a better choice than a male.

Here’s why:

  1. Healthier Fins: Female bettas have smaller fins and tails that are less likely to get damaged, which could lead to problems like fin rot—a disease that can harm your fish.
  2. Less Aggressive: Female bettas are usually calmer and less aggressive compared to males. Choosing a female betta can create a more peaceful environment in your tank and cause fewer problems.

Also, it’s essential to deal with any signs of fin rot quickly, as this bacterial infection can spread to your other fish and cause harm. So, it’s a good idea to choose wisely for a happy fish tank!

Things to Consider Before Keeping Betta Fish and Guppy in Fish Tank

Betta fish and guppies are both beautiful and popular freshwater fish that can coexist in the same tank. However, there are several factors to consider before putting them together. Creating a peaceful and harmonious environment requires proper preparation, understanding, and attention.

Here are some of the key factors to consider when putting bettas and guppies together:

Water Conditions

Betta fish and guppies thrive in warm water with a pH between 7.0-8.0. Maintaining appropriate water temperature and chemistry is essential for the overall health of both species.

Tank Size

Making sure your fish have enough room is really important to keep them happy and get along well.

If you squeeze too many fish into a small space, they can start fighting and it’s not good for their health either.

When you have a betta fish with other fish, a bigger tank is better. The smallest tank you should use is 10 gallons, and you can have up to four guppies and one betta in it. But if you can, it’s even better to go for a 30-gallon tank or even larger.

For most small fish, having one gallon of water for each fish is good. But since bettas like more space, it’s better to have two gallons of water for each fish when you keep bettas with other fish in a tank.

Providing Hiding Places

Both guppies and Betta fish require hiding places to feel secure and safe in their environment. Hiding places can also help prevent Betta fish from becoming territorial and prevent stress in the tank.

Hiding places can come in the form of plants, caves, and other hiding structures. You can add live or artificial plants, such as hornwort, java moss, and anubias, to the tank to provide hiding places for guppies and Betta fish.

Water and Temperature

Betta fish and guppies require specific water conditions to thrive and maintain their health. Guppies prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH range of 7.0-7.8, while Betta fish prefer slightly acidic water with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. Both species thrive at a temperature between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Maintaining proper water conditions is crucial for the overall health and well-being of your fish. Adequate filtration and weekly water changes will also reduce fish stress, improve water clarity, and promote a healthy environment for your fish.

The Best Way to Feed Guppies and Bettas Together

Guppies like to eat a variety of foods like meat, insects, and plants. On the other hand, bettas are pure meat-eaters. Even though bettas might seem pretty with colorful fins, they have the appetite of a great white shark!

So, can guppies eat betta food? Yes, they can and they’ll be quite happy to eat it! However, just betta food isn’t enough to keep guppies healthy—they also need their veggies!

Bettas enjoy eating blood worms, baby brine shrimp, daphnia, mosquito larvae, worms, and other small fish.


Male Betta fish are notorious for their territorial and aggressive behavior towards other fish, including male guppies. Housing male Betta fish and male guppies together is not suitable, as it may lead to fighting and injury.

Female Betta fish and female guppies are the best fit for coexistence, as they are less aggressive and prone to conflict.

Observing Your Fish

Keeping a watchful eye on your fish is essential in maintaining a peaceful environment for both species. Bettas can become territorial, so if they show signs of aggression towards their tank mates, they may need to be separated.

Guppies are known to nip the fins of other fish, including Betta fish, which can cause stress and injury. If you observe any of these behaviors, separate the aggressive fish immediately to reduce the risk of injury and stress.

How to Feed Guppies and Betta Fish in the Same Tank?

  1. Get Betta Food: You can easily buy food in pellet form for your betta fish. However, it’s good to mix things up and also offer them various frozen foods for a balanced diet.
  2. Guppies Love Veggie Pellets: Guppies really like vegetable fish pellets, but bettas won’t find them tasty since they’re meat-eaters.
  3. Different Eating Speeds: Guppies eat their food quickly, but bettas take their time. So, make sure your betta gets enough time to eat without feeling rushed.
  4. Feed Separately: Feed your guppies on one side of the tank first and then feed your betta on the other side. This ensures each fish gets its share of food.
  5. Use a Pipet: To feed your betta, use a pipet and give small amounts of food right in front of them. This helps to make sure your betta gets enough to eat.
  6. Small Portions: When using a pipet, give only a little food at a time to avoid a feeding frenzy that might scare your betta.
  7. Don’t Overfeed: It’s tempting to feed a lot, but too much food can cause problems. Overfeeding can lead to a dirty tank, harming your fish’s health. Keep it balanced.

Tips When Keeping Guppies and Betta Fish Together

Add More Guppies

One effective strategy to ensure a harmonious coexistence between guppies and betta fish is to increase the number of guppies in the tank. By adding more guppies, you provide a greater distraction for the betta, diverting its attention from individual guppies and reducing the likelihood of aggressive behavior. Aim for a ratio of at least two or three guppies per betta to help distribute the betta’s attention across the group. The presence of multiple guppies can help alleviate any potential aggression and create a more balanced dynamic in the tank.

Rearrange the Tank Decorations

Rearranging the tank decorations can play a crucial role in reducing aggression and promoting a peaceful environment for both guppies and bettas. Creating new hiding spots and visual barriers by rearranging plants, rocks, and other tank decorations can help break up the line of sight between the two species. This way, each fish can establish its own territory and feel secure. The strategic placement of decorations creates distinct areas within the tank, giving each fish a sense of ownership and minimizing potential conflicts. Providing plenty of hiding places also allows the fish to retreat if they feel threatened, reducing stress and the likelihood of aggressive encounters.

Change the Water Often

Maintaining good water quality is paramount for the overall health and well-being of both guppies and bettas, but bettas are particularly sensitive to poor water conditions. Regular water changes are essential to remove accumulated toxins and maintain optimal water parameters. Aim to perform 25% water changes every one to two weeks to keep the water clean and healthy. Clean water reduces stress and promotes a healthier environment, which in turn minimizes the chances of aggressive behavior. Additionally, ensure that you properly dechlorinate the water and monitor temperature fluctuations to provide a stable and comfortable habitat for both species.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a guppy live alone with a betta?

No, it’s not recommended to keep guppies and bettas together as bettas are aggressive and may attack the guppies.

Will betta fish kill a guppy?

Yes, betta fish are known to attack and kill guppies as they see them as a threat or food source.

Can I keep male and female Guppies with a Betta fish in the same tank?

No. You cannot keep Male and Female guppies with Betta Fish in the same tank. The Betta fish might view the colorful male Guppies as rivals and could become aggressive, causing stress and potential harm to the Guppies.

Read Also – Guppy Fish Growth Stages – How Long Can Guppy Get?


As a fish expert, I always recommend keeping fish that are compatible to avoid unwanted conflict. While guppies and bettas are not the best tank mates, with the right conditions, they can share a tank peacefully. But how can we provide the right conditions? It’s all about creating a harmonious environment for both species.

First, ensure that the tank size is appropriate for both the betta and guppies to swim freely. Consider providing hiding places for both species to retreat to when they need some privacy. It’s also crucial to maintain the water quality of the tank to prevent any stress-induced disease outbreak. Keeping the water clean, changing it frequently, and providing an adequately-filtered tank are essential steps to ensure a healthy environment for your aquatic pets.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy the stunning colors of bettas and guppies while ensuring their well-being. Trust me, and your betta-guppy tank will be a happy and healthy aquatic community.


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